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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Who am I?

My parents are immigrants in Israel. They still hold on to the entire culture of the country they have come from and all . I'm an immigrant too, being their child and all, but I've been influenced by Israeli culture. And sometimes, my mom, when we have an arguement, yells that I'm an / a(choose nationality: American, Russian, Ethiopian, French, Mexican, South African, YOU NAME IT - since thereare immigrants from many countries here - Eduardo Lina), not an Israeli and that I should act like what I am. I'm not acting anything, i'm being myself , and myself has beeni nfluenced by Israeli culture. But I guess she doesn't understand that , and I hate it when she says that, becasue there's a lot of Israeli in me after being here for so long, and it hurts that she doesn't want me to be myself. She wants me to act like a total (choose nationality) , but I guess she doens't know that who I am is a mix. She thinks I'm acting Israeli because I'm in Israel and all.
What's there to do about this ? What can i do ? Thanks !
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