Think before you post

You may want to use WORD to write and edit your comment. If you do so, you will have a chance to re-read your comment before you copy and paste it to the blog. This will give you the opportunity to think again about what you have just written before you actually post it. I also suggest you preview your comment before you publish it.
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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Generation Gap cartoon questions

The following questions refer to the cartoons you can see linked on this page. Answer as many of the questions as you want.
1. Which cartoon did you like best? Which one has made the most impression on you? Why?
2. Choose ONE of the five cartoons and answer the following questions:.
a) What is the central message that the cartoonist is trying to get across? (In other words, what point is the cartoonist trying to make?)
b) What techniques does the cartoonist use to reinforce his message? (In other words,, what techniques does he use to make the point?)
c) What stereotypes does he use?

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